Degree Options and Requirements
The College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources is UConn's oldest and one of the most academically diverse of UConn's colleges, CAHNR is recognized for its strong research, teaching, and extension outreach programs, which engage communities and enhance the public good for Connecticut residents. The college's diverse range of disciplines fosters innovative collaborations that ensure a vibrant agricultural industry and sustainable food supply; enhance health and well-being locally, nationally, and globally; promote diversity, equity, justice, and inclusion through anti-racist approaches; facilitate the design of sustainable landscapes across urban-rural interfaces; and advance resilience and adaptation in a changing climate.

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Student Resources

View a full list of CAHNR requirements in the UConn catalog
Degree Requirements
Students can earn one of fifteen Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees, one Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree, and/or three Associate of Applied Sciences (A.A.S.) degrees, enhanced by outstanding advising, prepare students to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
Students pursuing an Associate of Applied Sciences (A.A.S.) enroll in the Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture.
To earn a CAHNR bachelor’s degree, students need a minimum of 120 total degree credits consisting of the following:
General Education Requirements
(35-60 credits)
- 2nd Language Competency
- Writing Competency
- Quantitative Competency
- Environmental Literacy
- Computer Technology Competency
- Information Literacy Competency
Content Areas:
- Arts and Humanities
- Social Sciences
- Science and Technology
- Diversity and Multiculturalism
Major Requirements
(36+ credits)
- Core major courses with at least one approved W in the major
- Elective major courses
- 12 credits of related courses (if applicable)
36 Credit Requirement / Rule
Students must take at least 36 credits of courses in or relating to their major at the 2000+ level or above.
- Be numbered 2000 or above
- Be approved by the student’s advisor and department head
- Include at least 30 credits taken at UConn
- Be taken in two or more departments
- Include at least 15 credits from departments in CAHNR, which must be taken at UConn
- Have a combined grade point average of at least 2.0
- Not include more than 6 credits (combined) of independent study, internship, or field studies (if included, these credits must be taken at UConn)
- Not be taken on Pass/Fail
- Not include more than 6 credits of S/U coursework
Elective Requirements
Remaining credits (Usually ≤ 49 credits)
All other courses taken to complete 120 credits.
The College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources offers 16 undergraduate majors. Students can choose to pursue one major, or they can add a double major or an additional degree.
Majors at the Storrs and Regional Campus
Students at the Storrs campus can pursue all degree options in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. Students can complete the following degrees at UConn's regional campuses:
Allied Health Sciences
Major Requirements and Your Catalog Year
- If a student declared their CAHNR major upon applying to UConn, they will follow the undergraduate catalog rules for CAHNR that were in effect when they first entered UConn.
- If a student changed from one CAHNR major to another, they will follow the catalog rules in effect when they first entered CAHNR, as long as they did not change their school or college in between.
- If a student changes from ACES or another program/school/college, they will follow the catalog rules in effect when they changed into CAHNR.
- In some circumstances, a student may wish to change their catalog year to a more current one. A student may do that by submitting a form to the Registrar’s Office
Double Major
A double major allows students to complete majors in two different departments or plans in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources.
Students fulfill the major requirements for both majors and earn the degree associated with their primary major.
Double Major Requirements
Students must meet all individual major requirements as listed above and successfully complete additional course work numbered 2000 or above not used as part of the 36 credit group for the primary major. This group of courses must:
- Total at least 24 credits
- Be numbered 2000 or above
- Be approved by student’s advisor and department head
- Be taken at the University of Connecticut
- Include at least 15 credits of College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources courses
- Average at least a 2.0 Grade Point Average
- Not include more than six credits of Independent Study and Internship
- Not be taken on Pass/Fail
- Not include more than 6 credits of S/U coursework
How to Declare a Double Major
Students must:
- Fill out a Double Major Declaration Form. This electronic form requires approval from both departments and the Associate Dean's office, so please allow 2-3 weeks for a full review to be completed. Any questions regarding the form can be directed to the Office of Academic Programs at or 860-486-2919.
Additional Degree
An additional degree allows students to complete majors in two different schools or colleges.
Both degrees may be from the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, but typically one may be from another school or college at UConn. Students can earn a second degree either concurrently or after earning their first degree.
Additional Degree Requirements
Students must:
- Meet all requirements for both degrees
- Complete 18 unique additional credits more than the degree with higher minimum (e.g. CAHNR and CLAS, CAHNR requires 120 credits to graduate, 120 + 18 = 138 credits to graduate with both degrees)
- All 18 credits for the additional degree must be at the 2000 level or higher
How to Declare an Additional Degree
Students must:
- Acquire an Additional Degree Petition Form from the Registrar's Office
- Complete parts I and II on the form
- Bring form to the major department of the additional major that is being added to obtain an advisor’s signature
Note: You will receive two degrees, one from each college and/or school.
Students can elect to complete one or more minors, though it is not required for graduation. You can choose one of the many minors offered through CAHNR departments, or you can explore minor options offered through another school or college at UConn. Students pursuing an Associate of Applied Sciences (A.A.S.) in the Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture cannot pursue a minor at UConn.Rules for Minors
- Minors consist of 15-18 credits and the requirements for each minor vary.
- By rule, transfer credits cannot be applied to a minor without permission of the Academic Dean's Office.
- Students MUST earn a grade of “C” (2.0) or better in each one of the courses required for the minor, unless a higher standard is noted in the specific minor program.
- Some minors might have course overlap restrictions with courses for the major.
How to Declare a Minor
Students at the Storrs and regional campuses must declare their minor using the appropriate school or college's Minor Change process.
Declare/Change Your Major
Students who wish to change their major should also meet with their major advisor to develop a preliminary plan of study and then complete the School, Major and/or Advisor Change form available on the CAHNR forms website.
Students at the regional campuses who wish to change their major should follow the procedures of their regional Student Services Offices.