Academic Regulations

The University has a set of academic regulations that all undergraduate students must follow. By accepting admission, the student assumes responsibility for knowing and complying with the regulations and procedures set forth by the University. Review the University's academic regulations.

CAHNR Academic Policies

In addition to University regulations, the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources has its own policies on the topics outlined below. Please review the following policies carefully. If you have a question about these policies, schedule an appointment with an advisor in the CAHNR Office of Academic Programs.

Academic Adjustments for Students with Disabilities

In certain exceptional cases, students with learning disabilities may request an adjustment to their Second Language Competency and Quantitative (Q) Competency general education requirements. Please review the Academic Adjustments Policy on the UConn Advising website for full details and important deadlines.

CAHNR students who wish to submit an academic adjustment petition to the University's Academic Adjustments Committee must first meet with a representative from the Center for Students with Disabilities and a representative from the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. If a student's request for academic adjustments to University-level requirements is approved by the Academic Adjustments Committee, and if the student seeks additional adjustments for their CAHNR requirements, students will also work with the CAHNR representative to identify appropriate course accommodations.

To meet with the CAHNR representative, please contact Meagan Ridder.

Academic Misconduct Policies & Procedures

Students and faculty who find themselves involved in cases of academic misconduct should review the University’s Academic Integrity in Undergraduate Education and Research policy. The Office of Community Standards is responsible for overseeing this policy's implementation. For information on how cases of academic misconduct are administered, please visit the Community Standards Academic Misconduct Procedures web page.

Important points to note:

  • Students should be made aware of the instructor’s expectations regarding academic misconduct. These should be detailed in the course syllabus, and then reviewed with students.
  • Students must be notified in writing of alleged misconduct within 5 days of the event occurring.
  • All allegations of academic misconduct, whether resolved in the department or at a hearing, must be reported to Community Standards so that Community Standards has an accurate record of the student’s entire conduct history. To report a case of academic misconduct, please submit an Academic Misconduct Reporting Form.

Covid-19 (Spring 2020)

Following UConn Senate guidelines (available on the UConn Covid-19 website), the majority of CAHNR Departments will accept a pass/fail (P/F) grading system for course requirements of their major/minors taken during the Spring 2020 semester. RHSA majors will also accept a pass/fail grading system for major requirements taken in Spring 2020.

All Students should SPEAK TO THEIR ADVISOR before submitting Spring 2020 Pass/Fail Request.

CAHNR/RHSA Majors accepting Pass/Fail grades for major requirements

CAHNR: Agricultural and Natural Resources • Allied Health Science • Applied and Resource Economics • Animal Science • Environmental Science • Environmental Studies • Exercise Science • Landscape Architecture • Natural Resources and the Environment • Nutritional Sciences • Sustainable Plant and Soil Systems • Pathobiology

 RHSA: Animal Science • Plant Science • Urban Forestry and Arboriculture

CAHNR Majors with Exceptions to the college-wide Pass/Fail Policy

Dietetics:  DIET 3215 taken P/F will not count toward DIET major requirements

Medical Laboratory Sciences: The following Courses taken P/F will not count toward MLS major requirements: AH 4241 • AH 2001 • DGS 4234§ • DGS 4235 • MLS 3301 • MLS 3333 • MLS 4302 • MLS 4312 • MLS 4322 • MLS 4342 • MLS 4352 • MLS 4372 • MLS 4500

 Diagnostic Genetic Sciences: The following courses taken Pass/Fail will not count toward the MLS major requirements: DGS 4224 • DGS 4234 • DGS 4235 • DGS 4236 • DGS 4246 • DGS 4402 • DGS 4512 • DGS 4513 • DGS 4604 • DGS 4810 • DGS 4820 • DGS 4830 • DGS 4850 • DGS 4997 • MLS 4500

CAHNR Minors accepting Pass/Fail grades for minor requirements

Agricultural Biotechnology • Animal Science • Business Management and Marketing • Dairy Management • Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Health Specialist/Sanitarian • Environmental Studies* • Equine Business Management • Food Science • Global Environmental Change • Integrated Pest Management • Nutrition for Exercise and Sport • Ornamental Horticulture • Sustainable Environmental Systems* • Sustainable Food Crop Production • Sustainable Community Food Systems* • Therapeutic Horsemanship Education • Turfgrass Management • Wildlife Conservation

NOTE: *minors are offered jointly with CLAS and CAHNR

Grade Appeals

The College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources offers guidelines for undergraduate students who are appealing a grade in a course that is taught by a CAHNR department. Appeals of grades for courses residing in another UConn school or college should be referred to the corresponding school or college Dean.

Grade appeals must be based on errors or failures in the grading process that the student believes affected the grade. Dissatisfaction with a grade is not sufficient to warrant an appeal.

Process Overview

  • Students must first appeal the grade to the instructor. The student has 10 days from the day the grade is posted to appeal to the course instructor.  It is recommended that this be done in writing (e.g., email) to establish a timeline and record of the appeal.
  • If the instructor does not approve the appeal, the student must request a review by the department head. The student has 10 days to appeal to the department head after a faculty’s decision denying a grade change. Again, this should be in writing to establish a record of the request and the outcome of the request.
  • If the department head does not provide a remedy, the student may only then appeal to the CAHNR Grade Appeal Committee.
  • Students should schedule a meeting with an advisor to discuss next steps in the process. In this meeting, the student will be provided with information about how to appeal the grade to the CAHNR Grade Appeal Committee and what documentation they would need to provide to support their appeal.
  • After reviewing the Grade Appeal Request and documentation, the CAHNR Grade Appeal Committee will schedule a hearing.

For more information, please see the section on Grade Appeals from the University By-laws.


To graduate, you must apply for graduation through the Student Administration System no later than the fourth week of the semester you hope to graduate (or the last four weeks of the spring semester if you plan to graduate in August). The sooner you apply, the sooner your application will be processed and any issues can be resolved.

You must also submit a plan of study for all majors/minors you are completing at the time of graduation. Plans of study are submitted through the Student Administration System after students apply to graduate. After students submit final plans of study for all majors/minors, the plans are reviewed by the degree auditors in the Registrar’s Office. Learn more about steps for successful graduation on the Registrar's website.

Learn more about commencement (graduation ceremony).

CAHNR Graduation highlights

Internship Guidelines

Many departments and programs in the College offer experiential learning in the form of internships (also called “field study” and “practicum”). Some of the courses have been offered for twenty years. The specific nature and educational objectives of those courses vary: some are intended as pre-professional learning experiences; others offer opportunities for applied research; still others provide practical application of principles learned in the classroom. The College recognizes the important role that internships may play in a research university like the University of Connecticut. At the same time, the College recognizes the critical importance of defining and enforcing strict standards for internships so that student interns in fact receive the intended benefits.


No Retroactive Credit: To receive credit for an internship, a student must enroll in an internship course prior to undertaking the work. No credit may be given, retroactively, for internship work undertaken without being properly enrolled in advance.

Credit Restrictions:

  • Each credit for internship work must entail a minimum of forty (40) hours of work per semester or term.
  • The required number of hours of work must be stated clearly in the contract for the internship.

Evaluation of Internship Performance

Internship/Learning Contract. All internship courses must include as an integral part a learning contract, or work plan that is signed by both the instructor of record and the internship supervisor, ex. Sample Internship/Learning Contract.
Instructor of Record. The instructor of record for all internship work must be a University of Connecticut faculty member or a person approved, in writing, to serve in that capacity by the Head or Director of the Department or Program offering the internship. The instructor of record is responsible for assigning the grades.
Internship Supervisor. Each student must have an assigned internship supervisor at the work site. The internship supervisor must agree (by signing the contract) to supervise the work and to participate in the evaluation of the student’s performance at the end of the internship. Interns may not be supervised by undergraduate students.


Internship grading is determined at the departmental level in CAHNR.

Other Considerations

GPA: The CAHNR academic department may consider GPA requirements and the instructor's consent may be required if a student is on academic probation.

Limitations: If a student plans to intern for a second time with the same host and wishes to receive academic credit for the experience, their Internship/Learning Contract must document the ways in which the second internship entails responsibilities or assignments that differ significantly from those of the first internship.

Payment: The College does not forbid monetary payment for internship work, provided that such payment is incidental to the experiential learning to be gained from the work.

Lobbying: Some internships allow students to participate in organizations and advocacy groups that perform or disseminate research, or engage in legislative lobbying, in order to affect the content of legislation or budgetary decisions. The Committee recommends that internship supervisors not assign student interns to activities on behalf of legislation or budget decisions directly affecting the University of Connecticut. It is especially in the best interests of the University that none of its interns be engaged in face-to-face legislative lobbying for the University.

Late Withdrawal/Drop Request after the 11th Week of Classes

Students must officially drop the course/s prior to the eleventh week of classes or risk receiving a failing grade. Students may drop a course after the eleventh week of classes by exception of the student’s Academic Dean or Dean’s designee only. Exceptions are only made for significant extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control that prevented the student from withdrawing by the published University Deadline, as outlined by Academic Calendar. Full regulations regarding “Adding or Dropping Courses” can be found in the UConn Undergraduate Catalog. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure careful consideration of requests for late drops.

Failure to follow procedures in a timely manner may result in denial of the request. Poor academic performance, being unaware of deadlines, and/or not attending classes are not an acceptable basis for dropping a class after the eleventh week.

Things to Consider when Requesting a Late Withdrawal/Drop

Dropping below Full-Time Status may affect:

  • Financial Aid Eligibility
  • International Student Status (F-!, J-1, Federal regulations requires international student to be full=time students at all times, please see your International Advisor in the International Student & Scholars Services Office before submitting this request).
  • Scholarships (including ROTC scholarships)
  • Veterans Benefits
  • NCAA Eligibility

How to Request a Late Withdrawal/Drop a Course

    • Meet with an Office of Academic Programs Advisor (In this meeting, students receive the required request form (See CAHNR Forms site), discuss reasons for the late drop and learn the timeline for the
      Late Drop Committee to review with a CAHNR Academic Advisor.)
    • Meet with your faculty/departmental/major advisor
    • Receive all required signatures & comments
    • Complete a typed summary of your circumstances that includes the following information:
      • Why are you requesting to drop this particular course(s) and not others?
      • The extenuating circumstances that you feel warrant an exemption past the eleventh week.
      • What prevented you from dropping the course prior to the 11th week deadline?
      • The specific dates (a timeline) in which the extenuating circumstances occurred.
      • What related resources have you used here at UConn or off-campus?
    • Supporting documentation
    • Submit completed form to CAHNR Academic Programs, W.B. Young Room 206 o The CAHNR/RHSA Late Drop Committee meets on a weekly basis.

**Students are responsible for attending classes until a decision is communicated to them via email.**

Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture Application to Baccalaureate Programs

Application to Move from the RHSA to CAHNR Baccalaureate Degree Programs


  • Students must complete the Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture (RHSA) A.A.S. program to transfer into the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources or other baccalaureate degree programs of the University. The minimum cumulative GPA for transfer is 2.7. Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 at the end of their third semester (or equivalent) in the program will be eligible for earlier approval and enrollment in baccalaureate courses.
  • Students transferring from RHSA to a baccalaureate degree program at the University of Connecticut will receive transfer credit for all credits earned with a grade of C or higher, except that no credit will be given for any course graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory or Pass/Fail.

Applicants must Apply to Graduate and submit an A.A.S. Final Plan of Study through StudentAdmin.


  • In order to facilitate transfer processing and priority enrollment in courses for the baccalaureate degree program, students are encouraged to submit completed applications by:

February 10 for Fall Semester transfer
October 1 for Spring Semester transfer

*Applications received after these dates will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Application to Move from the RHSA to Other UConn Baccalaureate Degree Programs

RHSA (RHAG) associate and CAHNR (UAGNR) baccalaureate degree programs are two separate categories (careers) in the UConn StudentAdmin system. Students who graduate from RHSA and move careers have two categories/careers in the StudentAdmin system, which may impact Financial Aid, Perkins loan paperwork, housing, etc. Students should contact these offices to discuss their status and eligibility.

Readmission to the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources

Whenever there is a gap in a student’s attendance, regardless of the reason, the student must apply for readmission through the Dean of Students Office. Readmission is not guaranteed, and criteria used in determining readmission include, but are not limited to, academic progress, university discipline history, and criminal history.

Students who have been scholastically dismissed may apply for readmission once they have met the requirements outlined below.

Steps to Readmission after Dismissal

Students who have been dismissed from the University may, during a later semester, request an evaluation for readmission. Readmission after dismissal is neither automatic nor guaranteed, and will be considered favorably only when a student’s readmission application indicates a strong probability for academic success. Students seeking readmission to the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources are required to submit a readmission application through the Dean of Students Office.

In addition to completing this application, students must meet the following requirements before their application will be reviewed by CAHNR:

I. Time Away

  • First Dismissal: Students who are dismissed from the University for the first time must wait at least one semester before applying for readmission. Winter and Summer intersessions are not included in the calculation of time away.
  • Second Dismissal: Students who are dismissed from the University a second time must wait at least four years (eight consecutive semesters, fall and spring) before applying for readmission.
  • Third Dismissal: No student will be readmitted to the University after a third dismissal.

II. Successful Completion of Additional Academic Work

Students must successfully complete at least six college-level credits after being dismissed. In order for a course to count toward this requirement, it must be completed after the semester in which the student was dismissed, and a final grade must be posted at the time of the student’s application submission.

  • Students must receive grades of “B” or higher in courses taken after being dismissed.
  • Students must complete courses  that will show progress toward their desired degree plan or major.

Typically, students complete additional academic work in one of two ways:

  • Complete non-degree courses at the University of Connecticut – With approval from an advisor in CAHNR’s Academic Programs , students who have been dismissed have the option to take up to eight credits per semester of non-degree coursework at the University of Connecticut. If approved, students may register through Non-Degree Services in the Office of the Registrar.
  • Transfer courses from other academic institutions – Students may satisfy some or all of their readmission requirements by completing courses at other institutions. All transfer credits must adhere to the standard Undergraduate Admission Transfer Credit Guidelines. Courses and grades for transfer courses will be considered for readmission decisions, but grades will not be calculated into the UConn grade point average. Transfer courses that are required for the major are subject to residency requirements in the 36-credit group and will need to be approved by the UConn faculty advisor. Students have the option to complete courses at:
    • In-State Institutions – For students interested in completing coursework in Connecticut, but not at UConn, the Undergraduate Admissions Office has an informative website with transfer course equivalencies for Connecticut universities, colleges and community colleges. These lists are extensive, including many general education courses, prerequisite courses, and other courses of interest, but may not include all courses at all institutions.
    • Out-of-State Institutions – Course equivalencies for out-of-state institutions are not readily available. Students are encouraged to compare course descriptions to UConn courses and discuss content with CAHNR advisors for guidance.

Readmitted Students

In their first regular semester after readmission, dismissed students will be on academic notice. Additionally, readmitted students will follow the catalog requirements for the semester of their readmission.

Academic Notice

Academic Notice is an identification of students whose academic performance is below University standards. View the University Senate Bylaws on Academic Standing

The student and the student’s advisor are informed that a marked academic improvement in future semesters is necessary to obtain the minimum academic standards.

    Please see the UConn Undergraduate Catalog for more information regarding academic policies and procedures.

    CAHNR students who are placed on academic notice will have the following conditions attached to their enrollment:

    • There is a 14 credit limit on their account and they must adjust their credits by the 10th day of classes or their schedule will be adjusted for them.
    • The student is required to fill out an Academic Success Plan.
    • The student is required to meet with an advisor (major or advisor in the Office of Academic Programs) during the semester. Students must complete the Academic Success Plan PRIOR to meeting with an advisor. After the 10th day of classes an enrollment hold will be placed on their account, which will only be lifted once they’ve met with an advisor.

    Second Langauge Policy

    A student meets the minimum requirement if admitted to the University with three years of a single foreign language in high school, or the equivalent. When the years of study have been split between high school and earlier grades, the requirement is met if the student has successfully completed the third-year high school level course. With anything less than that, the student must pass the second semester course in the first year sequence of college level study in a single language.

    Source: General Education Requirements

    Additional Guidelines

    • If a student has had 3 years of a foreign language from an American High School and wishes to repeat the first two semesters, or elementary level, while at UConn, they will not earn credits toward their degree by doing so.
    • If a student has had 3 years of a foreign language from an American High School and wishes to study more of the same language, they can take – and will get credits for – anything above the second semester, or elementary, level.
    • If a student who has taken a foreign language at the high school is registered for the intermediate, or second year, level, and cannot perform at this level, they need to contact the head of Modern and Classical Languages who, in consultation with the Instructor of record and the directors of foreign language program will guide the student on a suitable course of action.